John Charlton

John and Mary Charlton
2002 Reunion
John was born in San Diego, Ca. Aug.9, 1936. He lived there until graduating
from Hoover High School June, 1954. John joined the USAF July 5, 1954.
His first 7 years were spent enlisted in Air Freight, Passenger Service, Load-
master, & Operations Specialist. John entered Officer Candidate School January
1961. He graduated a 2nd Lt. June 1961. Entered Pilot Training Class
63C Sept. 1961 after Survival School. Medically set back to class 63D.
Graduated Dec. 1962.
Duty Assignments:
1963 - 65 McChord AFB, Wa. Pilot--C124 (1LT)
1966 -68 Yokota AFB, Japan Mac Command Post Controller & Pilot. C124 & T33
1969-70 Phu Cat AB, Vietnam Pilot-AC47 Gunships (CAPT)
1970-76 Travis AFB, Ca. 22AF, Command Post Controller & Pilot. C141 (MAJ)
1977 - 79 Scott AFB, Il. HQ MAC, Manager, OPS Support Airlift. (LTC)
9/30/79 - Retired
AWARDS & DECORATIONS: DFC--AIR MEDAL (4)--MSM (2)--Assorted other medals &
1980 - Present: Real Estate Broker, Granite Falls, Wa. PROSREALTY.COM
The past 12 years have found us involved in breeding and racing Thoroughbred
horses in Washington & California.
John and Mary have been married 47 1/2 years. We have 3 children : John (45)
Cathy (43) Dana (41).
Grandchildren: Tasha (21) Tiffany (19) John (18) Michelle (16) Tenisha (13)
Michael (9) & Brandon (6)
Great Granddaughter: Justine (5)